
Adore: I work in science, so I support her.. hey sewing is not her thing just as sucking up and writing is not mine!!!!!… and yet here we are :P her charisma will carry her all the way and I totally support that. :) hope she survives the multi look challenge

Dela: It is neuro-linguistic programming?… those producers really got to me with the manufactured "let's break dela for drama" because yes I like her and she totally deserves to make it all the way to the end or is Bianca too damn good, I just don't feel her anymore as before…

Bianca: just crown her please…. somebody was saying had a crush on him out of drag?, can I join the club? :P what is there to say, my opinion is: crown her.

where have you seen this???? please help me!!!

I loved it!!!!!

purged from the drag world… if I was to be on the audience during the reunion I seriously either boo her on stage or throw tomatoes at her. Seriously.
And Ru will have to be crazy to bring Magnolia back just so she can have more "exposure"

F budy maybe? :P sorry I just think he is a really hot man :P

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just watched the episode, omg…. that Curtney should go and try and be a superstar in another country…… Fiji?

Or ongina being sent home with Bebe's epileptic performance…

Is like that speech from DTOX: I am the queen B, I am crowned you are all fucking welcome….

for meaty fronts I want Simon Sherry wood on a small male bikini all day long!!!

I do hope she does not wear bikinis on the reunion :P

she did?? OMG!! I still ahve to wait a while longer to see the episode!!!!…..
I want that bitch out, how dare she criticize Bianca.
Not on the topic but I have some health problems that caused me to loose body mass on my legs, even I have more body that this bitch with 10 y/o hips

you are not my real daddy and you never will be!!!…. I am sure Lil Poundcake will by the age of 15 have one of her contestants cut and slept with her step dad at the time :P hahahahah

So I can forget about having April back.
And yes fierce queens are sent home because of that but also the comeback was introduced because ru sends queens home base on his own judgement every episode.
I guess the first season did not have enough budget for ru to say: by the power invested in me by me, the moment he sent

I know, some mini challenges from previous seasons were so nice and just to show how bored I am at work today and how badly I want to see the new episode, I went and made a list of the best mini challenges:

I know! I've said it before: is such a waste of men not to put the on camera more!!

I agree… like I said Trinity really sucked for me during the previous challenges no matter how amazing her looks are.
Joslyn is a loveable character but her messy bikini outfits were a disaster.
And Adore is really charismatic which at the end is what keeps a drag queen performing aside looks… else it would be like

OMG I am dying for the day to be over and go home and watch this episode!!!!!…..
But at least on the matter of the mini challenges I can say that this season in particular I hate them, they seem so vulgar and obnoxious. Is a waste of time and if they really have to be there I would rather see the pit crew more on