There is not one dumb hair in miss joslyn's head…. As soon as she stops wearing bikinis, this horse will be unstoppable.
There is not one dumb hair in miss joslyn's head…. As soon as she stops wearing bikinis, this horse will be unstoppable.
Adore's look was amazing!!! What was that bitch talking about…. Same as last week with: I thought adore would be in the bottom.
On top of all her issues, laganja looks up to adore subconsciously and masks it with reads.
Also with her excuse of "I have HIV". She ain't no Ongina…. what is she trying to pull out here?
Ongina has HIV, she confess on season 1 just because it was an emotional moment after winning the challenge for an HIV PSA from viva glam, and Trinity just did it as an excuse to her attitude. Everyone else is like: "oh now…
who said that? was that Adore?… I remember I laughed so hard but now I cannot remember, is that on the untucked?, have to re run it.
I cannot believe I forgot to say this:
But you are right, the only three queens to survive three times: Coco, Alexis, and Jujubee.
She had 3 only plus the kick out on the top 3, not counting All stars because all stars doesn't exist to me as the lame excuse of a spin off just so Chad Michaels could have a crown.
I feel the same, season four was the best because of sharon needles.
If I could make my own very best favorite season, I would have: Nina Flowers, Raven, Shangela, Alexis, Jara, Manila, Raja, Sharon, Latrice, Chad, Willem, Jinkx, Alaska, Adore, Bianca, Dela.
….. so at the end smoked laganja is better because of the smoke?… so her real self is just that horrible then, I really don't see the point. She needs to smoke to be better ¬¬
She did apologize but in the same robotic tone she has with a rate of speech of 300 words per minute.
Raja's apology was really sweet, delta's not so much.
Coco and Alexis did, they just did't survived the fourth one and the finalle respectively :P
quoting Manila Luzon: pretty men don't make pretty women
I know right?
Now that you mention Manila Luzon…. I do get the feeling that Manila is the mirrow image of Laganja.
They come from a good environment (even Manila said so), but Manila really had a message of peace unlike this daughter of satan.
To be honest, I agree that Raven specially would be the one but:
She should have left way before, April should still be here, Milk should have stayed.
Pit crew: what a waste of men because they are never on camera, did Simon Sherry-wood got fired? for what? for being the most beautiful man ever? or maybe he asked too much to drop his undies to the floor.It is really a pity they are not on camera, come on! there are 4 and we see even less of the two original ones.
I am sooooo happy that Adore is kind of Ru's little girl. For once favoritism is making me happy, and that moment when Ru cut her up was gold.
Bitch: shut up!
Trinity should have sashayed away, and totally agree that Darienne is who should have sent her packing. Milk was acceptable this week, she tried and was cute.…