Am I too nasty if I say that a dairy product with milk from both wOuld be one hit of a product? :p HOT!!!!!
Am I too nasty if I say that a dairy product with milk from both wOuld be one hit of a product? :p HOT!!!!!
OH MY GOD!!! that bulge, I had to pause and rewind so many times…..
That's what I was hoping for…. now that they both were on the bottom
Ru did not like the man buzz hair cut since day one…. and if Ru doesn't like something, they you are a target. Is what I hate about each episode that is his criteria.
I also loved Raven!!!!
Hello the naked photo shoot in all stars?… I wish I had been on the set!!!
I also have that feeling. Sometimes Ru paul reads some of the contestants even when they might have bigger talents.
Sorry Loki, I had to change my avatar, but I still love Oliver Queen.
When? What? Where? is this Irish god on a reality show?… give me links!!!!!…
hahahahaha I know right?
S far we have heard so much bullshit about her looking like Beyonce, looks more like Mr. Ed than she looks like Beyonce. Delusional is what she is.
I so loved Bianca's comments further down the road regarding that.
I guess by now we saw, what's your opinion now btw?, just curious. :)
I would prefer to have April instead
Bianca del Rio: top 3 contender. Absolutely love her
ADORE: I did not get why there are so many comments against Adore, I found her delightfully silly. And is not dumb-ass silly, is smart silly.
Style a bit unpolished but hey, with the joke of polish remover she got me :P
I hope we get to see more of her, as we already saw in recent episodes :) that proved that there is…
I hope he makes April his new video girl :P
And fall in love. I absolutely loved the flirting.
In deed, when I saw that after 7 queens the shemail came, I was like: NOOOOO!!!!!!
Because from the first group I was just waiting to see Adore delano (because I liked the style on the promo) but actually I was waiting for more queens from the second week.
I am dying for Shangela to be on a future All stars…. oh wait: All stars was only created to give Chad Michaels a crown…
True, no one will ever beat the queen of weirdness: Sharon needles. Who not only was weird, but versatile to the extreme.
She is my favorite of all times. I wonder why she and alaska split up, something tells me that Sharon out of drag is a very complicated person based on things that Alaska said on some interviews.
I missed Sharon in Amsterdam last year, I was devastated.
he said something like: Borderline/passive aggressiveness, based on the "this was my moment" footage. And the few moments he has seen the: "yes Gawwwd, oookkkaaay" acts.
He just watches it everynow and then, he is not addicted as I am.
But yes essentially is what you said.
Hello, the first two seconds I really hated Ben, but then with the reaction towards Laganja, I like her…
You sooo nailed it.
Michelle has no judgement abilities whatsoever.