
I've never watched a television episode and then, 20 minutes later, start weeping by just thinking about it. That image- you know which one I'm referring to- is not one I'll ever forget. Absolutely devastating. Alexis Bledel is incredible.

I don't think I can handle it if Cosima dies. Hopefully Kira's willingness to yank out her own teeth for Auntie Cosima means she won't die? Right? They wouldn't make a little girl pull out her own teeth for nothing, right??

You got to appreciate what an explosive element this Bonnie situation is. If she comes home from a hard day's work and finds Donnie doin' a bunch of turnip shit in her kitchen, ain't no tellin' what she's apt to do.

Am I remembering correctly that Felix said that Vic looked like he got "molested by an elf"?

Everything that happened in the bar made her the number one clone for me. I get why people love Alison, but Helena is just fantastic.

I was at weekend-long Phish show in Oswego, NY the same weekend of Woodstock '99. It was incredibly hot that weekend. I ended up sleeping underneath my friend's car to get some shade, because sleeping in my tent was akin to sleeping in an oven. Phish took fair care of the concert goers- we had giant water tanks and

First of all, are there people who are not aware, at this point, that the host of the show is a character? Secondly, why are these #cancelcolbert people not being called to task for A. stupidity and B. taking a quote utterly out of context in every way it's possible to take a quote out of context?