
He just had a feline

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved season 7 of Buffy. Calling it "epic" is entirely appropriate; more often than not (but not always) the citizens of Sunnydale had some weird mental block that kept them from noticing all the weird and deadly stuff happening in their town. It's like the Scoobies were operating

I feel like Dee and Dennis are equally sociopathic and awful, but Dee is just too inept and lacking in subtlety to manifest her horrible plans like Dennis can.

Only seven? You gotta step up your game, son.

Eh, you're sorta missing out but sorta not. Harry Potter is far from original or inspired; it's just a standard YA hero-story when you boil it down. What sets it apart is that it's the same old story told in a very entertaining way. It's *fun*.

Makeup and stickers and ponies and my space dot com!

Rumor has it the creator of Thomas was an enthusiastic royalist. Or monarchist. Or whatever.


And they ham it up so much, they make Shatner look subtle.

No love for Strangers with Candy? Aw.

The ending *is* perfect, because it marks the end of an awful, awful movie.

Dangit, I wanted to make a funny and Disquis is making it difficult.

Jurassic Bark is pretty much all fun and games until that last minute or so. And then BAM sucker punch to the feels. But really, the episode is great so long as you turn it off a little early…

" the entire HuffPo piece is well worth reading,"

28 James Spader.

The New Yorker is full of all sorts of crap.

They do nothing without permission from the reverse vampires.

I think this event will have grave implications for his future.

Gestahl's death was one of the worst for me. Yeah, he was an unrepentant bad guy bent on world domination, but still… Kefka's betrayal (if you could even call it that; can you truly betray someone to whom you were never loyal in the first place?) was like flipping a switch. In an instant, Gestahl went from evil

I always interpreted them as brother and sister…