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    She's not responsible for shows' deaths, my dude. *massive eyeroll*

    Uhh…no. They really didn't. Root and Fred are beloved characters. Amy cultivated a massive following with her work on POI. She came onto POI and changed it for the better. It would've remained a dull procedural without her.

    She makes every show she's in better. See: Angel, Person of Interest. The latter became an intelligent cyberpunk drama once she joined.

    Love Amy Acker. So happy for her. But damn, this is terrible reporting. How the hell do you mention Dollhouse, Angel and WISHBONE of all things as her credits but not Person of Interest, her most recent major role where she was a regular for 3 seasons?

    This title is A++. I snorted.

    Why isn't Person of Interest's "If-Then-Else" on this list? It's hard to take your compilation seriously with that episode missing.