Culture Vulture

Hannibal is my favorite show on television, but this episode seemed to be one of the weaker episodes to me. Love the surrealism, but it almost seemed a little too much. It felt like the writers were screaming in my face: "REMEMBER HOW MESSED UP WILL GRAHAM IS!?" What I loved about the season premiere was how subtle it

So you stopped watching after the first few episodes I take it..

I remember even as I finished it thinking: "I'll probably enjoy this more re-reading it." I think that I got too caught up with the sci-fi elements and reading it as a coming of age story.

I really liked it, I just wasn't as crushed by the romance as I thought I was going to be. Honestly, I think the problem was how it was described to me. But I was crushed at the end realizing that it never mattered what decisions they made, everything was predetermined for them by a faceless rule. That was sad.

I didn't actually consider that. Thank you for bringing it up.

Just finished Never Let Me Go and thought it was ok. For me the romance between Kathy and Tommy never really seemed super fleshed out, and although I liked the characters, I found the portrayal of their Kafkaesque world to be much more interesting than the relationships between characters. Still heartbreaking, but not

Phew, that was a close one!

If the MRA movements are what being a "true man" is, I don't want any part of it of being a true man.

Did they keep the phrase "all alone in the night" throughout the series? I stopped watching after season 3 and can't remember if that stayed in the intro. That was my favorite phrase of the opening monologue.

What is really ironic is that the phenomenon of terminal velocity might actually SAVE her life. The few people who have survived falling out of airplanes without a working parachute survived because they didn't get going any faster than approximately 120 mph. Hit the ground the right way and you'll survive (in a very

Are prime numbers really lucky numbers?

#21. Lots of enemies that the Jedi just cut down like butter. Enemies that are pretty much useless.

I really liked these trailers. Every frame was so dense, there were so many things going on in them.

Yeah, and now he is trashing contemporary films.

Just get prepared to hear from a bunch of Nolan groupies how it is the greatest movie ever made and how you probably just aren't intelligent enough to get it.

See, you have a good perspective on Honest Trailers.

Also another one: freaking Honest Trailers

Yep, I felt a brief stab of panic when I read your comment.

Yeah Dr. Who for me. I have never really met a Dr. Who fan that I have liked, and having a bunch of terrible roommates who loved the show really turned me off to it. I always have felt like every Dr. Who fan that I have met has been a maladjusted pretentious jerk of a nerd, which is unfair, but it's been my experience.

I think that that is the key point of why people are horrified, not just about the atomic bomb thing, but the kid's actions and having it portrayed as something positive and even faith promoting.