Culture Vulture

That's pretty much the new Godspeed You! Black Emperor album. A 40 minute song broken into four chunks because they had to sell it to humans.

Every time I watch "Pegasus" I am reminded of how the Equinox story line on Voyager could have gone down. And it makes me a little sad.

That is one thing that makes Freaks and Geeks so great. It averts the common tropes of sitcoms. Alan is just as much an outcast as the Geeks are, and even more so. The popular kids at school actually kind of like the Geeks to a degree, especially Sam. I always felt like it was implied that the reason Alan wasn't

I didn't know that. I'll admit that I only am familiar with the TV shows.

I guess she would. I just have a hard time seeing her fitting in with the normal Marvel film formula. Like I can't really imagine her fighting Ultron or being around Capt. America. Maybe it could work, but as somebody who doesn't necessarily enjoy the Marvel films I like leaving Jessica in her own world.

Deadpool's FRENCH?!

SPOILER: Foggy takes up the mantle of Capt. America and fights Iron Man in the end.

The Avengers 3 already! I thought it wasn't coming out for years!

For the love of all that is holy I hope that Jessica Jones never appears in these movies. I like her too much to show up in these movies.

It makes me sad that every movie and book geared towards teenagers about the future is a post-apocalyptic or dystopian story. So all these kids are growing up with the idea that the future is going to suck, that there is no hope for the human race. When they are constantly bombarded by that what does it make them?

"Think of me when life becomes maddeningly polite." - Hannibal. I always will, thanks for the ride.

"Giant Peach" by Wolf Alice

No mention of Joanna Newsom under best albums of the year? Shame on you AV Club

Yeah, I was a little too young last time to know much about Fox News controversy, but that would have been fun to watch.

Can't wait to hear about Star Wars's liberal bias from Fox.

Just when I thought that I couldn't like him more…

To use the example of Saving Private Ryan, I think the difference is that in that movie the story was just part of the larger world. Saving Ryan wasn't going to risk the war going to the Germans or the Americans. It didn't matter in the long run. But in Mockingjay Katniss has the capability to take down the evil

The only thing that I got from Mockingjay Pt.1 is that a supposedly strong female character will delay overthrowing an evil dictatorship and put lives at danger just to get her boyfriend back. Nothing like some good ol' gender stereotyping. Anybody who thinks that these movies are good examples of strong female

Beirut is kind of a weird band because Condon is very good when he is very obviously mimicking pre-existing sounds. On Gulag he had the Eastern European sound, on the Flying Cup Club he had that French chanson influence and there was that EP where he went with Mexican music. When he tries to strip away the super

No mention of how the briefly seen Jabba's slave girl in Episode 1 has the SAME slave costume as Leia in Episode 6.