
I'm always mixing him up with Lemmy Moskowitz, my accountant.

A music video with a live band?

"Silent Lucidity"?

Mein hut, der hat drei Ecken.

What type of asshole god goes around naming his angels "Vicious". Simply asking for trouble.

Sorry, I see you writing words in English, but all I hear is derp, derp, derp.

If they don't care about the characters or central mystery, why in the hell are they watching the show? Also, the fact that you don't pay attention doesn't make the characters unmemorable, it means you have a lousy memory. I have been having no problem following the show, although, if I did, all I have to do is read

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Unmoved to the point of seeking out a comment section and whining.

The point of criticism is to not understand the basic underpinnings of a show and then suggest how it should have been done?

You forgot to mention the small portions, too.

No, the real fun is slandering people you have never met and of whom you have absolutely no firsthand knowledge and trolling on outrage threads. Yipee!

You're right, this show would be a lot better if it was as complicated as your average A-Team episode. And they should shrink it down to half an hour total because your average simpleton can't get invested in certain to be unnamed elements in the first place.

Why you little…

Ha ha, good try, but I'm not looking. How about getting some therapy and deal with your real problems instead of hanging out on outrage threads?

You mean that thing that happened at the place?

Tighter first season? They figured out who the killer was because the paint on his ears was the same color as a house in a photo? Sounds like something out of Scooby Doo. At least with this season, if you paid attention, you could gain some satisfaction from it by piecing together clues to unravel the mystery. If

I'll have to check that out again.