
Look, the Goodyear blimp.

I was thinking they have eyes all of over this place and then he goes back out the same door he came in? Oh shit.

I thought it was there to cause me to roll on the floor laughing.

On land: the snake, in the water: the shark, in space: anything goes.

I'm waiting for someone to complain about the info dump and not understanding the plot in the same post.

Ooh, anaconda and shark sex: hot!

You see when I get bored I make up my own serialized detective show. I have a very short attention span.

I suspect they are getting Huelled.

Blah blah blah, my family is a dynasty and I'm as drunk as a Kennedy. So, how about humming my balls.

Why did they moderate that last post? Seemed totally fine to me.
Anyways, that joint line had me cracking up.

Not to mention he was lying in the same position as the sun rising in the cutback.

Snowball II?

That's funny, the internet keeps telling me it's name is Sam and that I should start shooting people.

This is like most of the critcs have been saying this whole time: I haven't been paying attention to the show that I don't like, now I am confused so it must suck!

Be careful, the guy on the roof is holding a machine gun instead of a fiddle.

It's weird. Someone was comparing the gross for Serenity and Entourage movies to what a Community movie might bring in. I went to check their facts(they were 10 million short on Serenity), and found that Entourage's IMDb page had an autoplaying video, a black backround and white lettering. I closed the window before I

Because it was about rape? I suppose a storyline about the most provocative goldfish is more up your alley. Of course, then we wouldn't be talking about it, so the point is moot.

Sorry, I forgot that slandering people you've never even met makes you a better person. Carry on. I'm going to write myself a post it note not to disseminate facts with people who get off on outrage threads.

Like I'm any different.