
But to be fair, technically, everyone on the this comment board is talking about it. Except ShirleyRManley.
The way that I took the quote is that men and women deal with the same issues after being raped(besides pregnancy), but these same issues are magnified for men because society causes the victim to feel more

Even me? Awesome. I'm going to buy an Alfa Romeo.

So, in conclusion:

He looks like he's 80% liver. There's a Prometheus joke in here somewhere….

Now I'm imagining Harmon dressed as Birdperson while playing Minecraft.

How much work does he actually have to do on Rick and Morty?

It's funny because it's true!

Saim with me, except he was raping Clippy.

I was forced to upvote these comments against my will!

Said the commenter on an outrage thread.


Upvoted for "donut treason".

They? Who…the government?

I keep telling you, Lollapalooza is not a Young Republicans convention.

I asked a girl in Williamsburg where I should go to get into a fistfight and she told me to buy a six pack and then go back to her place.

I thought the first season was universally considered to be the worst?

*Completely *Useless *By *September