I made some offhand comment about Amy Dickinson the other day and she quoted it verbatim and attributed it to the AVClub on Wait, Wait..Don't Tell Me. I figure hundreds of people listen to that show.
I made some offhand comment about Amy Dickinson the other day and she quoted it verbatim and attributed it to the AVClub on Wait, Wait..Don't Tell Me. I figure hundreds of people listen to that show.
I was referring to a gay ass-haunting by a unicorned colonel.
The AVClub has a pretty big footprint as far as pop culture and the media go. I think they pull in close to 2 million unique visitors per month, so between the taboola ads, banners, product placement and data trawling, they are doing fine. These affiliate programs are just here to keep T. Herman Zweibel well stocked…
*only $2.99
Barney's movie had heart, but The Longest Yard had a football in the groin.
I heard Barkley recorded all of his lines in advance for Clerks:Animated. I like to think that he no idea what they had in store for him.
Must. Kill. Ayatollah. Colm. Meaney.
I keep forgetting that she is famous for being an athlete.
Doesn't McHale constantly joke on the Soup that no one ever gets sports references?
I was under the impression that Hot Pockets sublimated directly from solid to gas phase.
The first time I listened to Harmontown, the blurb said Adam Goldberg was making an appearance. For about 15 minutes I thought the actor was doing some weird kind of accent before I realized it was Kumail Nanjiani and that Adam Goldberg is some weird spectrum kid who haunts the Nerdmelt theater.
Weird, I had this song stuck inmy head yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Hey, what about New Jersium?
Nah, I'm just fuckin around, Chicagoite is totally legit.
I can never remember, are Chicago-ites the ones that hang from the ceiling or are they attached to the floor?
Fuck, I forgot how LazyTown had Heavenly Creatures levels of disturbing imagery.
*mashes Harvey Dent's faces together*
Has there ever been a "great" mash up?