Robert Cummings

This was one of the most entertaining interviews I've ever read on the A.V. Club.

So Americans, on average, eat more than a pound PER WEEK of ketchup? I call shenanigans.

"Wanting to please her husband, Sheila’s soon strutting around in her see-through lingerie before jetting a stream of urine directly into Gerald’s face. The site of him—an internet troll—shuddering and pretending to get turned on by a mouthful of pee will surely go down as one of the show’s finest moments."

What does Spider-Man need a car for? You've got both webbing AND a mass transit system!

Seconded. Rough year for him.

Yer damn right.

That's assuming Trump has a soul.

Lost my 12-year-old cat Squee just before the holidays last year, (to suburban coyotes of all things), and man, does the grief sneak up on me sometimes. Seeing how delighted these characters were upon discovering Keanu hit me right in the feels. As I love Key & Peele and love me some animals, I'm kinda pre-disposed to

I was really hoping Brick was going to have the video posted somewhere, or save multiple copies, so he could blackmail Axl.

Thanks! I'm still as stupid as this show, however.

Seriously? The "you just don't get it!" defense? Well played! I shall stand down now, having been thoroughly rebuked.

Fair enough, but I feel sorry for people that think this pretentious tripe stands in for real human emotion and reaction to trauma and loss. This stuff is ludicrous, wrapped in pretty cinematography and populated with talented actors. I'll refrain from using the "signifying nothing" quote.

This episode was beyond stupid.

He did it on his last Saturday Night Live monologue.

Yeah, because we all know Louis is all about that mad publicity.
I'm sure wherever he's going with this will be interesting, but it doesn't make that scene any less ugly.

It didn't look to me like he was going for "just a kiss" in the slightest. He started by trying to strong arm her into the bedroom. He ended up "settling" for that "kiss".

Or lack thereof.