A UK politician fucked a pig once
A UK politician fucked a pig once
Killing O'Reilly. A onetime live show.
or a sex game that I've… I mean, it sounds like nothing.
Good thing he didn't count his money sitting at the table
please Skeeter, no. I just ate a whole plate of dingamagoo
- Patty Mayonaisse
how does it keep up with the [Fox] News like that?
I stuck with House through the end, which was a big mistake. but the first 3-4 seasons are really so good. I kind of wish the end of season 4 was the finale.
We're on a tropical island…
It's still on Netflix
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
it's Jerry, not Rick. unless your watching Rick and Morty: Incest edition
well their strongest episode this season, imo, had not b-plot (Total Rickall). so there's something to be said of only an A-plot. plus it would get Beth and Jerry involved and maybe more developed
a shitty, awful, narcissistic racist broken-ass clock is right twice a day.
many of them are going against Trump but Bush is the only "viable" one doing it.
Jessica Walter as the Grandma in this movie. Now I want it.
I'm seein double here. Four stars.
Lacks a visor for the Dredd look.
Season 3 was frankly a disaster from the jump. but this looks promising. except for Diggle's helmet.
"You really couldn't try for the Redtube scholarship?"