Thanks Ogramma
Thanks Ogramma
The A.V. Club
Woo-who. I accuse Goody Flanders!
Shove her!
Yes this always bugged me too. But the gag is good so I don't let it bug me too much.
Sorry, but this is a highly sophisti-ma-cated doo-whacky. If you don’t use it responsibly, ka-blammo!” Homer accidentally swings his fist into the transporter
Lisa: “Ow, someone just punched me in the face!”
Homer: “It was your mother.”
So, you finally left Derwood.
his name's Homer
The A.V. Club
Die you chalk-faced goons!
What kind of a name is Todd Gak anyway?
The A.V. Club
It's not necessary or wise to be naked.
Don't worry Fry, I'll pull some strings, see if we can't get you tried as a juvenile.
Why does Superman, the largest super friend, not simply eat the other five?
that is a low bar to clear
Well you've certainly embiggened this comment section with your cromulent argument
now who's being naive
then he'll become future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, joining such esteemed men as John Marshall, Charles Evans Hughes, Warren Burger… mmm, burger
why don't you make me
The Dissolve
My fifteen minutes of fame are over
Hey! Wee bairn! Hie yer hits from me heath!
Al Jean, you may have run the show into the ground but thanks for this episode at least.