Sister Wendy Beckett

I, too, AM FORCED TO agree whore-heartedly with the above two comments as…. well, for instance : what if we lived in a world in which every single solitary action one took in their daily lives were to be scrutinized and further incongruously perceived and mis-represented as some kind of attempt to cash in on (or

i agree with the above comment… Why should any of the Arquette brood wish to shy away from being involved with an animated television remake and updating of the fantasy-musical TROLL? The original most certainly must have cost substantially less than the billions of dollars that were spent developing, filming and

What a total and complete lack of tact and respect have I just been subjected to in reading this pathetic (and frankly arrogant) attempt to lure a talent away from a project, just because someone had a distaste for the OG source material (the 1985 film TROLL, which ALREADY has been consistently subjected to needless

Robert Altman's O.C. AND STIGGS, simply put, is one of the most effervescent, lively, genuinely rude and amusing of all the early 80's teenager comedies, but it also succeeds on so very many other levels as well… Yes, I'll admit, it is a bit of a no-brainer (especially compared to the eerie, disquieting beauty and