Leonard Zelig

Jay Z lol… shilling for Clinton and she still lost.

These social justice reviewers will do anything to make this chick flick a hit.

Can't wait to watch it, still 72% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Pretty solid. AV Club gives Woody bad reviews because it's in fashion to do so.

The more I hear from Ronan, the more obvious it is he's an idiot. The media has not given Woody Allen a free pass. When Dylan/Mia released that letter, there were hundreds of op-eds on these ultra liberal/feminist blogs about how Woody Allen is guilty and that we should believe all women no matter what. Thousands of

Whatever Twerks

What's to forgive? He wasn't charged with any crime and experts believed the molestation never happened.

Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Liberal feminists love their labels.

J Law worships Woody Allen though. He just hasn't offered her any parts yet.

I'm sure this movie has a plot. If the script wasn't completed, they wouldn't be casting for it.

Why is that repulsive to you? Women date bad boys every day. Also, relationships give both parties a boost. Men and women feel better when they're in a new relationship. You're smoking too much Sarkeesian.

Because you're not a graduate school professor.

Still better than the Avengers 2. That movie is a steaming POS.

I'm not convinced in your explanation. What does a story about a 53 year old man and a 25 year old woman having a relationship have to do with the molestation accusation? Seems like apples and oranges.

So impotent it was Oscar nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, and won Best Original Screenplay. Blue Jasmine was nominated for Best Supporting Actress, Best Original Screenplay, and won for Best Actress. You wish you could create such works of art. <3

So wait. It's creepy for a 53 year old man to fall in love with a 25 year old woman, but it's perfectly all right for two people of the same sex to fall in love? Explain it to me and I'll read the responses through my neckbeard.