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    Dammit, just let South Africa have something.

    Yellowtail is his stepdad (and Onion's dad).

    Vidalia was rather off-putting as well. I guess Onion is the expected result of those two mixing DNA.

    It goes in cycles. Right never everyone would cast Chris Pratt/Evans and Bumbershoot Cucumberpatch in everything.

    American culture? There's actually a pretty thriving metal scene in Botswana.

    It wasn't so much the stories, but the pictures, I think. The stories were fairly simple folk tales, urban legends, and retellings of older fiction, but the illustrations were completely freaktastic.

    If someone managed to animate those illustrations, it might solve the world overpopulation problem.

    Some of us are waiting til the end of the week to watch everything at once.


    Dude's only made two movies so far, I don't understand all the glooming and dooming. After all Alien only had one good movie and one decent movie in the whole series.

    Evil Dead 2, also, possibly.

    That cover for Slugs, where the slugs have skeletonized everything but the guy's face. The last thing they devour is your scream (apparently)!

    The one where it's a wolf vs a rabbit?

    I am so smart, I am so smart! S-M-R-T, I mean, S-M-A-R-T!

    "I hope they HAVE a good time." Not has. Pretty simple.

    My poor mom was the one who ended up taking me to things like "LIttle Shop of Horrors" (she hates musicals - she managed to fall asleep during it) and "Nightmare on Elm Street 4" (she hates horror movies). I imagine she was relieved when I got my driver's license.

    At least the kids seemed happy as monsters. The bit where Peacemaster cried about their transformation was kind of heartbreaking, though.

    Depends on what part of Africa you're talking about. South Africa has a small but dedicated metal scene, partly because we're so damn far away from everyone else no one tours here.

    Samantha the DOG?

    What about Cat from Red Dwarf? He could talk and rock a pair of Cuban heels.