Theon: What makes a man? Is it being prepared to do the right thing, no matter the cost?
Jon: Yeah....that and a pair of testicles.
Theon: What makes a man? Is it being prepared to do the right thing, no matter the cost?
Jon: Yeah....that and a pair of testicles.
We just did some over the clothes stuff...and some under the clothes stuff.
It has been frustrating, seeing Tyrion, on of my favorite characters give bad advice all season. I hope he has an interesting arc for the final season, not just standing by DT and being wrong.
It really changed the balance by 2 dragons if you think about it. In terms of dragons, it was Dany 3, NK 0. Now it’s Dany 2, NK 1. Stupid Night King.
She lost a child saving Jon, but it looks like Jon is giving her another one.