
There are a few article out there about her kind of filmography niche. She likes telling tales of young white, often fragile or mentally ill white women. Exploring life from women's pov. She saw a chance to take this story and focus more on the women and not Eastwood being hyper masculine. Telling well known or

It's wild how different he in from OITB. Like, damn. This dude has some major talent and range. I'm glad he's managing to bring so much to this role/that they are letting him showcase his talents. Sweeney could easily be really unlikable but both he and Browning are doing fantastic at toeing the lovable assholes line.

I caught the eye, didn't see top hat. Time for a re watch!

All about the journey so far, not the destination.

I didn't notice it at first but someone on Tumblr pointed out that the first time we saw the Jinn in the diner he's wearing the blue suit from Salim which is one more awesome thing about their scenes/relationship. I'm def excited to see more of them in the show.

Let's be honest. Richie's schtick is getting a litttttle stale for me but I'm going to rent the heck out of this just to oogle Jude Law throwing around magic and chewing fantastically on the scenery.

So…when people eat clams…what part of that monstrosity are they eating?

Really glad I'm not the only one having those feelings. It just feels…gross and exploitative and kinda sensationalized.

I think they posted the full clip of the duel hours before the episode even aired on EST. I was like wtf?!

I hope he goes out in a blaze of glory, sacrificing himself for the team or something. I'm still hoping Kanan somehow makes it though. Maybe just pulls a class move and exiles himself in sadness after Ezra dies. Might be a nice Obi Wan parallel. Losing his Master and Padawan.

I think the Maul voice actor had some thoughts along this line. About how Obi Wan by this point has grown and changed and matured but Maul, for all the changing roles and parts his character has played, is kind of emotionally stuck on his big defeat and constantly trying to overcome that one moment.

That's definitely some good points. I also was reminded of his re-intoduction scene in the s2 finale (I think), where Ezra asks if he's a Sith and he goes on a bit of a rant how he hates them and the Jedi equality and the Sith took everything away from him. His, no longer Darth, just Maul bit seemed to hint at a

…isn't it pretty obvious that most of those who hold such beliefs are religious based? Specifically Christian. Which then leads us into a discussion about how women/people are indoctrinated into religious beliefs, often from birth, and often facial harsh consequences from their families/community if they question what

The ridiculous (& awesome) ELEVEN commentary tracks on the Lord of the Rings movies cemented my love of commentaries. Hearing from actors and directors and artists all their thoughts and contributions and random funny moments from scenes adds a lot to the movie imo. I love all those behind the scenes glimpses.

This movie looks so scary that I might have to wait to Redbox it. In the middle of the day. With all the lights on. As soon as that hypnotism sinking through the floor stuffnin the trailer pops up I was noping hard (but in a oh dang this looks good way).

She's basically Batman. Like…what exactly do people find uninteresting? Is it solely her movie portrayal or is it a certain comic run? The last comic run with Phil Noto art was damn good. She's a Cold War spy with ties to Winter Soldier and a wonky history with Nick Fury who isn't afraid to get her hamds dirty. She's

This sounds like a job for: fan fiction!