
it only works because it's fantasy West Covina as a city unto itself and not just the generic LA suburb of reality.

the worst part is how frequently creative writing students internalize all the shit their professors say about the uselessness of genre fiction and the need to chase prestige, etc. No wonder everything sounds the same.

It can be depicted in art, but as someone said above there needs to be some kind of resolution. People living out in Midwestern suburbs are not the enemy, not some inherently dumb group of proles. Not having taken a gender studies class at an expensive liberal arts college does not make one a fool, not labeling

Does it really matter if she wrote it or if the part was written for her (as it clearly was)? It's not a critique of her as a human being, it's a critique of an attitude that condemns people for not being rich, not being coastal, not being sufficiently educated. I went to a fancy enough college that I know a lot of

just you
and I
in love

Grover Horvath, DDS

There was a very short clip in the "next week on" segment that appeared to show Hannah and her mother arguing in Hannah's new house.

Are you comparing Hannah's situation to one in which the mother was raped? She knew who the father was and parted with him amicably. She had no reason to keep the baby a secret from him.

does it matter how many years ago it was? David Mammet's daughters asked people to give them money to make a music video so they could "spend more time together".

to be fair she is clearly the least important cast member in Hamilton

The Puerto Ricans. They've voted to maintain the status quo 4 times since the 1960s.

Aaron Burr is actually kind of respected by a good number of historians for his stance on abolition and unusually prescient arguments for women's rights. A lot of the things that people disliked him for, even things mentioned in the musical, were hilariously trite, like openly campaigning for office.

I agreed with you and added a caveat about attempts to de-stigmatize abortion by being overly flippant like Dunham was in her final comment. I'm obviously not arguing with you about the false and offensive equivalency.

I thought that too until she started doing inside the show commentary on HBO that revealed the level to which she took Hannah's opinions and thoughts at face value.

Girls as Millennial Sex in the City is a great analogy. it is important to note Sex in the City was playing to Baby Boomers and Generation X women in their thirties and forties however which is why it is a poor fit for nostalgic fondness

Agreed, with the caveat that abortions are often difficult choices not taken lightly and I think a lot of attempts at removing the stigma forget that and try to make them seem easy and breezy. There is still often a physical and mental (especially if the abortion is medically necessary) toll that comments like this

I also think she is preaching to a relatively small choir of educated, under-employed women in their 20's who self identify as "woke". This type of abortion rhetoric, which goes beyond normalizing the procedure and into glorifying it as being the better choice, is the logic of the women's studies classroom at a

Even then. You can only use the word alchemy so many times in a 12 paragraph deconstruction of Homeland that completely misses the point of the series

And if you do work in retail or an essential service, you likely don't get guaranteed weekends off anyway. Pretty much anything client facing these days is likely to require working at least occasional weekends.

Yeah, I feel like this is standard in most office environments. You get the holiday on a Friday or a Monday if it falls on a weekend, but you still get the holiday. There's still a good percentage of business which are closed for the entire holiday week, too.