
Same here… I knew where I wanted to go, found my way in (regional campus with guaranteed credit transfers) and made it work for myself.

Arrival seems to have gotten a word of mouth bump… my theater was packed on Friday night. That tracks with it jumping up.

That reeks of post-hoc justification for the ending she had pre-planned when she wrote the show.

that is the point, though. The idea was that Rory would simply repeat her mother's life. Which is why Jess is anointed by the revival as her true soul mate.

I was given almost no guidance on this in high school and I also went to a solid, middle class high school where the majority of students at least attended community college after graduation. The assumption seemed to be that most would go to less selective universities who only want to know your GPA and ACT scores

Dialogue that sounds overly pre-written? On Gilmore Girls? Never.

I've never understood why Paris wanted to work in medicine, it was not a logical choice based on her interests. But they made it work!

It must be nice to have that point of comparison. Wither those of us who have lived in Michigan our entire lives and known it only as a blue state with two Democratic senators? I can stay in my Ann Arbor ivory tower most of the time, but Thanksgiving in my previously solidly Democratic suburban home town will be a

This all day long. The first sign of impending doom should have been all the equivocation, I knew so many people who seemed to think both were equally bad. That Schumer quote is so instructive because it is oblivious to the fact that you are asking those suburban Philadelphia Republicans to vote not for a generic

the thing is, it is so rare to even find one foot like this. They've found over a dozen in a small area, suggesting that either Vancouver and Seattle have absurdly high suicide rates or that this is some kind of Twin Peaks level Pacific Northwest battshittery.

This is every Smith movie

The thing is, nothing Smith has done in over 15 years has been particularly fawned over. Dogma was the last thing of value he produced and the non-stop trainwreck his career has been since is actually rather sad.

it's pretty strongly implied by the text, to the point where any other conclusion would be illogical based on what has been written

I really want to see the uncensored version of Brie Larson singing Dance Ass as Lesley Gore (also odd that they censored the word "ass" twice in that song)

GRRM very much did teach English and journalism at Clark College in the 70's

GRRM is a former English professor. He's part of a group of fantasy authors (along with Roger Zelazny) who have incredibly strong academic grounding.

The irony is that your cards were probably worth more then than they are now

It's always been interesting to me, Chicago's status as an epicenter for comedic acting and improv (as opposed to standup). I think a lot of it, beyond the Second City being present, can be attributed to a small number of people (Murray, Landis, Belushi, Ramis, Hughes) being from there while it's similarities to

Honestly it's probably not a huge stretch to say that he lost that alchemy to a speed ball. He could have hitched his wagon to Eddie Murphy or Bill Murray, but his wagon came pre-hitched to Belushi.

Akroyd was never the star, even on SNL. He always needed that other person. And he seemed to know that as well as anyone, but his choices (Caddyshack 2? Really?) eventually got the better of him. The same thing happened to Chevy Chase, except people actually like Dan Akroyd.