
You mean like Captain Jack?

Why can't they do both? I would welcome the return of Romana no matter the gendered appearance. Romana was awesome and had a great dynamic with the Doctor. If they can bring back Gallifrey they can pull Romana out of n-space.

Does the Doctor actually have a penis? That's never been established and can't be assumed since The Doctor is an alien who has two hearts and regenerates.

My preteen son thinks the show is great and his response to a woman doctor was "Wow."

My 20 year old son texted Wow! when I told him.

How do we know the Doctor has the same sort of sexual organs humans have? The Doctor's an alien who has two hearts and regenerates.

Some grumpy old man asked in the Guardian's comments where The Doctor's penis went. If I cared to respond I would have told him that he's an alien who has two hearts. The Doctor's never mentioned nor shown us a penis so how do we know the Doctor has one?

I still want them to bring back Romana. If they can bring back Gallifrey they can find an excuse to bring her back too.

I've seen her suggested on other websites such as io9. I think she has the ability of exude the slightly alien quality that the best Doctors have. She also has a great flair for physical comedy which harkens back to some of the original Doctors but she's able to go dark like the 6th, 7th and some of the newer Doctors

I actively avoid them. I don't read about Doctor Who on the Internet or follow it in other ways like I did when I was watching the original Who. I prefer to be surprised.

Can his tiny hands fit around one? He'll probably just hire one of the illegal immigrants who helped build his DC hotel to pull the trigger for him.

That may be the same percentage that has their GED and is literate.

plus the fact that they look nothing alike and have completely different personalities. I could see someone confusing them if they think all black women look alike.

There are even a lot of women who don't get it. My mother-in-law blamed me both times when I had sons instead of daughters. My husband got angry with her and told her that if she was going to blame anyone she should blame him.

Does she still have kids? I haven't seen any evidence that they still exist.

I kept hoping he'd get killed.

I will really miss this show. I think it's the most fitting successor to Buffy that's not written by Whedon.

Marlee Matlin was great on West Wing.

I would have guessed Southern.

Petra's an idiot. The only reason she has a place at the hotel is through Rafeal. If he's out she's out too because then he isn't entitled to what he currently has. Also, no matter how much I hated my baby's father I wouldn't want to financially ruin him because it would harm me too.