Noel Gallagher

Fuckin' in the Bushes.

And 00's, unless you are some sort of Yankee wanker.

"Some people are not cut out for it. Take Keith Richards, for instance. What a fucking pirate. The guy has lived it. Fucking rotten."

"I don't play video games. I have a life. And that life is too short for video games. Some of my band play video games on tour. It drives me up the fucking wall. And it's one of the main reasons why I'll probably fire the fucking lot of them on this tour."

“Some Polish radio station played the our new single, and now it’s been leaked. It’s not the end of the world. It happens to all the big bands. But you get these phone calls going, 'They played the single in Poland!' You’re just like, 'Great!' And everybody’s going, 'No, it’s not great.' 'Well, what’s not great about

"Noel Gallagher sent me an e-mail asking why I don’t tweet about Oasis. Nice try, Liam, I know Noel doesn’t know how to use a computer." -Jarvis Cocker.

"Is there anything funnier than a dog wearing a hat on holiday?! Is there anything funnier than a dog in sunglasses?! I don't think so. I don't think so. Dogs smoking cigarettes is out of order… but have you ever seen a dog when he's going down the street and he's got his face out the window? The most joyous thing a

"I listen to the lyrics when I sing 'Champagne Supernova,' and I think to myself, what on earth is this song about? What is it about? And then I look out and see a 15-year-old guy with his shirt off, swinging his shirt around and singing like his life depended on it. And at the front row there's a 15-year-old girl in

"When I finish this tour as Damon finishes Blur, he's bound to be going off doing some Vietnamese opera about chickens. But if one day we ever ended up in the studio, it'd be great. I think he's a super-talented dude and a good lad."

"Someone told me 'Supersonic' was about teenage prostitution. Shit. It's about a nine-stone Rottweiler called Elsa who was in the studio where we were recording."

"All I ever wanted to do was make a record. Here's what you do: you pick up your guitar, you rip a few people's tunes off, you swap them round a bit, get your brother in the band, punch his head in every now and again, and it sells. I'm a lucky bastard. I'm probably the single most lucky man in the world."

Me? Liam's the angry one.

"Someone was playing a joke when they made me, you know, 'Let's make this guy a writer and a guitar player, but let's make him write with his left hand but play with his right, and let's have him born in the middle of May and give him a Christmas name like Noel, and let's make him a dodgy, schizophrenic, two-faced

Oh, sod off, you wankers.

"Me and Andy [Bell] look at things more objectively. I’m not going on the road when I’m 50! And it depends on how I look. We’ll still be touring in five years but I don’t ever want to end up like Pink Floyd. Now I fucking love Pink Floyd but on stage at Live 8, well I’m not going out like that. I want our last photo

"People say we're the Rolling Stones and that Blur are the Beatles. We're the Stones and the Beatles. They're the fucking Monkees!"

"I wish Blur were dead, John Lennon was alive and the Beatles would reform."

"Liam’s rude, arrogant, intimidating and lazy. He’s the angriest man you’ll ever meet. He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup."

Rest assured, mate: these caterpillars above my eyes are the real deal.

"He's [Damon Albarn] such a condescending cock."