
I wish I was nocturnal so I could watch Adult Swim every night.

The trailer showed too much which is never a good sign and even though George Clooney is so "beloved" his name doesn't attract viewers anymore.

I know this show is nothing special but I can't help but find some enjoyment out of it. Danny Masterson hasn't done anything significant since That 70s Show, Sam Elliot is a great addition and I like Kutcher enough. Its just a show that you can dip in and out of and not get lost. I know its not great but it makes good

I think this video ages in dog years. I have come to the conclusion that it is 70 years old now.

This is an awful big deal all of the sudden. The Rock Hall has been trash since a long time. There are going to be plenty of talented artists that go years before being inducted while rap artists and pop stars are put in first.

I'm glad that there are other people out there that think this movie is good. I really really enjoyed it and I really didn't understand why it got no love. I'll say its the best Michael Bay movie ever as I liked it more than Bad Boys and The Rock.

I don't dislike the trailer because it is reboot with a woman cast. I just thought it wasn't very funny. Funny is funny regardless of what gender you are. Maybe they are saving the good jokes for the trailer or something, but this just doesn't seem to have any to hide from what I have seen.

He didn't have a mean bone in his body. You knew from his speech that he wasn't expecting to win and that was was so thrilled when he did.

Robin Williams winning for Good Will Hunting is my favorite memory. Great 3 minute video to watch when you want to remember a true talent.

Great article. This is an interesting concept that I think a lot of movie fans aren't noticing. When you think about there may never really be a good formal ending to these franchises as the films will almost certainly carry on until there is absolutely no more profit to be made and who knows when that will ever

I can't say I'm expecting much here. I liked Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter because it had a fun side but I just don't have any interest in Pride and Prejudice and there is no one in the cast that stands out to me. Could be a fun corny movie but I'll wait until home video.

Hail Caesar isn't screening anywhere close to me :( have to wait til Blu-ray

I hope Revival is a better movie that it was a novel. I found the book to be average. It would make a cool movie but you would need 4 actors to play the same character as the timeline has huge gaps.

Ethan Hawke is so underrated and even though I don't love every movie that he's in I still watch all of his new releases but there is so much diversity in his work now. He was excellent in Sinister and I loved him in Boyhood. I'll likely be checking out Regression as well.