
I'm getting kind of pissed at all the people who clearly have never seen a snowy winter let alone jump into snow banks from high places speculate on the physics of it all…

Not exactly sure what her game plan was anyway: rush the castle and slaughter everyone single-handed like Lancelot saving the blushing groom in Monty Python's Holy Grail?

Hey, I can confirm that killing a 5 year old dragon is MUCH more difficult… per my AD&D 2nd Edition sessions. And also, Drogon and his siblings are fucking wyverns. And so is Peter Jackson's version of Smaug. Goddammit, it's not that fucking hard to get dragons right!

Once you accept that this show is near-unrelentingly nihilistic, episodes like this are a lot easier to swallow. What, you haven’t cracked the code of two semi-good things happening followed by three soul-crushingly awful events?

The brief moments of "fun" didn't show any of cannabis' euphoric effects (just a couple of quick scenes of passing a joint and kind of laughing followed by 90% weed hangover scenes), but it was rather unbalanced with scowling fuck up adults (& one extremely violent one) all lecturing kids about how drugs (not weed) is

If you "couldn't" buy beer at 17, it was because you weren't trying. Who said anything about keeping it away from kids? It might, according to many gutter science reports impede brain development in pre-adults: what are we as a society saying it's acceptable to put in those brains before age 21? We don't bat an eye

It's supposed to be shocking to see Lily smoking a joint, but now that we've introduced legalization to two states with more coming… maybe it's time to have an adult talk about teenagers (and pre-teens) smoking weed, and that the 21 year age limit has no merit except for getting kids (mostly black & brown) an

Oh the shit I got last year for pointing out on the Red Wedding disqus that this show had a nihilist edge where only the sociopathic libertarian-types achieved any measure of temporary satisfaction in life… people seem to be finally coming around to being wary to the show/books' underlying thesis. (And of course,

Glad to see a lot of the Civil Rights myths eviscerated in a humorous fashion. Non-violent civil disobedience "worked" if you want to lionize a few Civil Rights leaders and forget the thousands of people who got their asses kicked with permanent injuries and life-long PTSD.

Between this and You're Getting Old… kinda, really fucking depressing. Is Wendy also going to have to take a belt of Jameson every morning to stop crying about living a lie to go along with vapid popular culture?

I don't know about "blindly worship" but I've met quite a few Democrats who will apologize/rationalize anything Obama (Clinton, Gore etc) does, while pretending to be liberal and ignoring that on economic issues the modern DNC is far closer to Reagan in ideology than FDR.

I do remember people (usually middle-aged plus) calling Family Matters "the Urkel show" but I've never, ever, heard anyone, lucid or senile, refer to the Simpsons as "Homer".

Animated X-Men had the best voice cast of any comic book adaptation, cartoon or live action.