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    Thank you for your input. It seems like we have a somewhat similar way of getting our news. I start out the morning with Trump Bashing online newspapers, move on to more conservative media so I can get my breath back, and usually finish the day flipping between pro and anti-cable news. I agree with you that Trump

    There was a time when I was holding out hope that one reply would be from someone who could give their point of view without being a smug douche. I love how I am misinformed because you don't agree with my opinion.

    There was a point here. You missed it.

    By the way, if you head on over to the Times' site, you'll see the Op-Eds are side by side with the 'regular' news. Not to mention the Times editors bother top print this garbage.

    Straightforward news articles do not have the Trump insults in the headlines. I'd be happy to pull content, but I have a life. You know?

    Here is some examples of the media holding Trump accountable. Just doing their jobs!
    Times headlines:
    James Comey and Our Own Tin-Pot Despot, Donald Trump

    OK. Give me a few minutes to look into my archive. I'm serious. I'll find some

    Yes, the media has the obligation to him accountable. But a good portion of the media, from the NYT on down, prefer very personal attacks over objective reporting. It's funny how when a personal attack is given back, the internet explodes.

    Just curious, where do you get your news?

    Ok, ok you can have the last word. You win, chief.

    Maybe he could try. And maybe the media can try a little harder, too.

    You should see some of the letters he wrote to England before the war. He was breathing fire

    Reading Washington: A Life now. Read a lot about John Adams. Thin-skinned and petty runs deep in the presidential bloodline.

    Listen, I'm not going to sit here and blindly defend every move he makes. But I make sure to read as many articles on Trump as I can from left, right, and center-leaning media. The guy gets attacked on a daily (more like hourly) basis relentlessly, hatefully, and sometimes deservedly. Given the amount of vitriol I

    That's like me asking why you have time to reply to my comment. Don't you work? But that would be a lame comment to make. It took you 4 seconds to type it.

    Eh..sure. What about Mika and Joe completely throwing Conway under the bus after she agreed to coem on their show by openly discussing gossip about what she said off the air to two other guests, who seemed pretty uncomfortable with the whole thing? It was petty and unfair to Conway. These people bad mouth Trump any

    Boy, the media and Hollywood sure can dish it out relentlessly, 24/7, but they sure can't take it. What a shock it must be for them to have to deal with a public figure who isn't afraid to fight back.

    What about Apocalypse Now and Apocalypse Now: Redux? How am I going to watch them?

    The AV Club's audio must have been on mute during the Loretta Lynch revelations. Double standards.

    Spin the Chance the Rapper Lyrics Wheel and behold mysogny, racism, and drug use at its finest.