
I saw the Mortal Kombat film for the first time this past weekend.

Can they still cast Cristin Millioti (spelling?)? She's adorable.

And he comes from a farming community! He's not a surveyor!

Last time I played Bridge with him, he wouldn't Draw

Wonder Woman brought to you by Sheinhardt Wigs

One of my favorite lines form the Colbert Report went something like:
"Celine Dion says she's tired of the theme song from Titanic. Which makes it unanimous."

There's so much that can be said and has been said about this film.

And to think that they were once Stone in Love

Now they're going their Separate Ways

And now Thor is the God of Tears

Oh I have no doubt that this will affect him permanently and profoundly.

Here's hoping that their son can deal with this and that both parents will do their best to love and support him.

It's very light on dialog. As my wife describes it, it makes you feel like you are actually physically there at the event instead of watching a film about the event.

We are Klingons. We do not like to talk of it to outsiders

I'm not surprised the dialog is negative. Complaining about your job is fun

That's how advanced we are here in the states.

They're the ones actually fighting Germans instead of running away like a bunch of candy asses! ;)

You see like four French soldiers in the film, period. I don't think it's fair to criticize the representation of the French military.

My mother's side of the family has printed several family Cookbooks over the years. The first one was before I was born. I inherited my late grandmother's copy of this first one. I would absolutely save this from a fire.

Difficult to do, no. Difficult to do without making an ass of yourself as a writer, yes.