
Bio-dome! No way! Netflix is dead to me!

Wonder Woman passed 800 million, making it the highest grossing superhero origin film ever. Just incredible.

I guess I'm just too shallow too appreciate the depth!

I guess I'm just too shallow too appreciate the depth!

I guess I'm just too shallow too appreciate the depth!

Oh right. Forgot about that. Joy.

Well, I'll be out then. It's been fun.

I watched them today and I've already forgotten most of them.

Yes. You must watch all 3 of his seasons on Doctor Who before bothering with this.


The first 2 1/2 episodes of this show are just woefully boring.

Doctor Who. Nothing is harder to explain.

I think he was given bad material to work with.

Mista Craig

If peein your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!

Thrizzzy is losing his mind. And I'm reaping all the benefits!

And his was woody-esque as well!

I'll look it up! Thanks!

Antics ensue

It's being retooled as a 70s sitcom!