Matt Murdock

The episode of Key & Peele that also aired tonight was named "Meegan and Andre Break Up". I thought the coincidence was worth mentioning.

I sure wish I had time for some light reading.

As a filthily casual comic book reader, I've literally never heard of any of those characters.

Uhh! Uhhhhhuhhh! LOOK OVER THERE!

My favorite subtle bit from the episode was when Ice-King reads the "random words light up" bit. If you pause and read the text, you realize it's Simon's journal from after the nuclear holocaust but before he lost his mind. All the text is about how lonely he feels wandering around in the wasteland and his fear that

I don't think Kingpin hires him because he's a good lawyer

Well it's okay, since there are other female characters to contrast Karen.

Guess it depends on how you look at it. I would say no though. He's a victim of brain-washing, so it's pretty hard to argue he's strictly a villain. Plus, we know he (more-or-less) becomes a good guy, so there's a bit of bias in thinking of him negatively.

I know this is the internet where people get really angry about things that don't matter too much, but please dial it back. You're attacking me personally over a minor comment that I tacked on as an after-thought to the praise I wanted to give D'onofrio.

I'm not sure if you're trolling me, but I'll take the time to respond to this anyway because it's really important to me.

The thing I hate about these shows (and the MCU in general now) is knowing how long we all have to wait for these things! We get AKA Jessica Jones later this year. Next year we get Luke Cage and Iron Fist shows. And then, in 2017 we get Defenders. I'll have to survive another THREE YEARS if I want to see a

D'onofrio absolutely kills it as Kingpen. For a character who could so easily come across as overly campy or too serious, he walks the line perfectly. The way he uses his voice to emphasize his perceived size never fails to strike me as fantastic.

To be fair, it's a pretty low bar…

It worked well as the stinger with Shirley at the end of the first episode. But stingers are their own monster. The Britta and Annie joke completely undercut the emotional moment the episode gave them.

I'm really torn over whether or not I like the inclusion of the Dean and Chang as part of the main cast. It felt sort of earned for both of them to fill the voids left by the original members. But I can't help but feel like less is more when it comes to them as characters. Chang's bit last week as Mr. Miyagi was

Because Lorne understood that it had to be done.

Junior year of college, my roommate introduced this series to me. I ended up watching most of the series by myself, but he asked to watch the last four or five episodes with me.

I'm pretty sure J'son isn't my good buddy Peter's dad in the MCU.