
Thanks for letting us know you have absolutely no clue what good animation looks like and what good adult animation is. Sorry. Try harder. Or simply just maybe at least try.

Freaking loved it. No complaints about the pace of the episode. Claire is already a wonderful character IMO so if she gets even better from here, which I'm sure she will, she could be something special.

But this time, it's Jack tracking down the cougars that terrorized Kim and punching each one in the face.

Isn't this the guy that made countless excuses for Homelands second season? Yeah. That tells me all I need to know.

I love that they didn't waste any time showing us how violent Lorne is willing to be. They could have left it at "guy who is clearly shady and not someone to fuck with" and shown his violent side in later episodes. Nope. Knife to the back of the head of a guy as he's banging a stripper and then blows a cop away in

The "oh ya, oh ya" from the stripper had me in stitches. Then things get dark like five seconds later as Hess gets a knife in the back of the head. This premiere balanced the LOL moments so damn well with the dark moments and I really hope they can keep it up for nine more weeks plus whatever other seasons/stories we

Michael had his good-bye episode. It's called "Goodbye, Michael" from season 7. This finale was about everyone else. Why so many people can't seem to understand this is baffling.

Best episode in a long time. Most focused one in a long time too. Classic Jim/Dwight story, Pam watching the video and then Jim giving her that note and even Darryl's last hurrah in the office made me laugh. This episode more than any all season made me finally admit that it's going to suck this ends next week. That