Cardinal Fang

Do we get to walk all around Albuquerque? GTA ABQ!

Someone may have already mentioned this, but I read somewhere that a committee of Russian prosecutors came to the US in the 90s to see how a "real" justice system worked. They asked Alan Dershowitz which TV show - Law and Order, LA Law, Hill Street Blues, etc. - was the best representation of America justice. He

Trump Trump Trump. Jesus, give it a rest. And get a life.

Where did they shoot this episode? The winter scenery was gorgeous.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

"And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues.

Cute show, although I woke everyone up during the bomb-defusing scene, yelling "Just throw it out the fucking window!" at the TV.

When I first read "The Lincoln Lawyer," I saw Chris McDonald playing Mickey Haller. He has that kind of cheesy hero thing going.

C'mon, how about some love for Alan Young? The guy's 96 years old, and still as cute as ever. I've been listening to his old radio (radio!) sitcom on XM Radio Classics, and the guy just keeps going and going and going.

"Points deducted for Sasheer Zamata’s Michelle being presented as just a nag." I'm sorry - what other sterling qualities does Michelle have? I'm drawing a blank here.

And the real estate lady was Lois from Mad Men, the one who ran over the Brit's foot.

When I was 11 or so, I was really into WWI aviation - Frank Luke, the Red Baron, all that stuff. So when "The Blue Max" came out, I made my parents take me downtown to see it. All the flying stuff was great - and then Ursula Andress got naked and started rolling around with George Peppard. I was absolutely

You never can tell with parents. They turned off "Four Weddings and a Funeral" after the first half hour because there was too much profanity in it. But they *loved* "Pulp Fiction." Go figure.

I first started watching "Star Trek" at the beginning of the second season when I was 10 years old in 1967 ("Amok Time"), and I was blown away by the show. I spent the next month and a half trying to talk my parents into sitting down and watching it with me, and the night they finally agreed, guess which episode it