
She only had one minute in this show, and it's the best minute she's had in the whole season.

Anything with that cat makes me laugh, I don't know why.

You mean, "Oh good, the FIRST baby," because now they've done the first marriage, the first death and first pregnancy it's time to get back on the merry-go-round and start doing them again.

But if they didn't get captured every week, then how could they have the obiligatory escape scene every week?

Because the NZ flag is always getting confused with the Aus one you can understand why the damned thing needs to be changed (the old stick-in-the-mud brigade won't let it happen).

Cute bit of foreshadowing with "Clara Who?" - they're gonna have a hard time topping that final shot

Peri did die - head shaved bald, brain sucked out, body taken over by a reptile who was then gunned down. Now that's what I call a character death. Nicola Bryant loved her exit. Then at the end of the season they got cold feat, stuck in a stupid wedding photo and told everyone "No, no, she lived happily ever

Well, in the fifty-year history of the Doc there's only been two companions that I've really liked to the extent that I didn't want them to leave, and at this point they've both been killed off, dammit (yes, Peri DID die - that laughable oh-no-she-didn't postscript added by the producers later at the end of the season

C+, huh? I thought you were supposed to grade comedies about whether they were funny or not. I was laughing like a loon through moments of this, so my grading system is pretty simple. It's A, or nothing.

Raj was "peaking into her nightstand"? Did I see a cut version? My god, what was he doing there exactly?

Highlight for me was Louise instantly seizing the opportunity for even more extortion at the lunch table. "We know a lot…about BOWLING"