
I feel weird being here while not in my AVC "costume". It feels wrong.

Anybody know where I can buy a goat?

Rabin is gonna be HELLA confused when he checks his notifications today.

Thank you.

At this point the library they've amassed, size- and quality-wise, is starting to approach Peel Sessions-levels. Every month or two, I go to their channel and just spend an evening trawling through it.

Check out KEXP's YouTube channel sometime, they have huge trove of really well-recorded live in-studio stuff from "classic" and up-and-coming alt/indie/whatever artists. Kevin Suggs does the audio, and he does a fantastic job.

Thanks John, for being a mensch on this and in general. We are a cantankerous bunch and you are nicer than we deserve.

Thanks. I just can't get that to work in Firefox, but it's working in Safari. So all I have to do to keep commenting at the AVC using my old identity is use a dedicated browser for it. Seems likely.

Some sort of newswire explaining to us old farts with AVC-only accounts (I never updated it, ever, post-registration) how to get into our Disqus-equivalent AVC-only account would be good. Because I can't seem to get in.

Doesn't work for me…first I get a security certificate error for AVC, which I override, then the pop-up comes up, but blank - and no amount of closing and reopening tabs gets me in.

Sorry, I am confused - I should be able to log into Disqus using my AVC username AND my AVC password, and there should be a Disqus account that matches my AVC one? Because it doesn't (can't get into Disqus).

Yeah, Martin Gore was the man. And a lot of those songs would work just as well on "standard" instrumentation (piano, guitar, etc.), because they are strong *songs*. The synth stuff is just another layer.

Love this feature. Looking forward to Gold Panda and Pantha du Prince; curious about the Honey Radar and Car Seat Headrest and Nothing.

I don't know if you ever checked out any of the "reunited" Bunnymen (well, McCulloch and Sergeant anyway) albums, but there were at least two good ones, for my money - What Are You Going To Do With Your Life? was basically an autumnal chamber-pop record, very restrained and melancholy and beautiful; then on the next

With any minority, you'll probably never see 1:1 parity with the majority. I'm not saying that racism isn't a factor or that Hollywood can't or shouldn't try harder, but to take another example, it's estimated that a little under 10% of humans are gay (-ish, Iet's keep it simple and not get into Kinsey scales), while

I liked this and am glad it's back.

Thanks, Captain Teti.

Would said glitch keep people from logging in with their AVClub logins? 'Cos that's what is happening to me.