
My thought was that he was lying to Nora about what he was doing because of her jokey dismissal of the whole messiah thing. Maybe he actually does "die" when he does it but he knows if he told her the truth she'd berate him for believing he's the second coming.

Rebecca said she was 19 when she dated her bandmate for 2 months, so she had to be at least that old when she met Jack.

That was one of the finest episodes of Survivor I've seen. This season has a very entertaining mix of smart, savvy, and overly confident players. I love it.

The Peggy Olsen/Jamie parallels are fun. Hope she gets some big accounts and proves that girls can do stuff too!

So obviously after voting the votes are organized in a way that lets Jeff read them off in the most dramatic order possible. But what happens when someone plays an idol like this? I imagine that they had been ordered so that it was a couple of Wentworths and a Savage, repeat, repeat until there were no more Savages.

Yeah but earlier another inmate mentioned her mail fraud history in passing. I can't imagine her telling someone about that if that wasn't what she was in for, but why would Christopher be testifying at a mail fraud trial and why would he not have brought charges against her? But then again, wouldn't she be sentenced