K. M.

I adore DM - grew up with them as the soundtrack to my teen years (SOME GREAT REWARD -> MUSIC FOR THE MASSES were my high school years). I still love them and buy every goddamn thing they release even though the passion just isn't really there anymore.
And yet…. somehow I just don't "get" ULTRA. I do honestly think

I was in my early-20s. I finally moved away from my home-town out to Vancouver to start a new job and a new life with my partner (who I eventually married). Everything was new and vivid, everything seemed like a wholly new experience. I consumed music voraciously, and my main soundtrack would have to include tracks

That game was my obsession. I played that S.O.B. endlessly for ages… my girlfriend was - in retrospect - amazingly patient.

"I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter!"

You made it one song farther than I did.
The moment I heard the opening chord of "Can't Buy Me Love", I had wet cheeks. Waited over 35 years to see the guy, and it was 100% honestly worth the wait.

Where's Julee Cruise?

Look, if he drains the sewers, he'll upset the CHUDs, and maybe one of them will bite his puffy ass-face right down to the neck.
So I'm all for it. Drain the swamp.

Egocentric Lying Pig

Yellow journalism.

In Ontario, most major cities have at least two-three really good ones, several "good-enough" ones, and at least one buffet-style one. Calgary seemed to be similar.

They say that you should never meet your idols, for fear of disappointment.
Those people never met George A. Romero, a truly kind and generous man who always had time for his fans. R.I.P. George.

"Trump—who, again, is the president, and not just someone touring the White House with his wife…"
Oh, if only.
If only.

This really should have been the article by-line. *soft-clap*

Not unpopular with me. Put DROWN, STARLA, SNAIL, HUMMER and SILVERFUCK on a CD and I'm pretty much done with the rest of their output.

Agreed. Although DIGITAL SHADES VOL.1 deserves some love. I wish he had kept going down that particular path.

my god, me too. I was solid right up to that point, but that coupled with the soundtrack to that Matthew Barney film…. nope. Just done.
Now, I will still go see her in concert EVERY SINGLE TIME, as she still puts on one hell of an exciting, vibrant and inventive live show. But those new albums…. I just cannot do it.

The soundtrack to GOD HELP THE GIRL is a total delight, and I highly recommend it.
Viewing the film…. optional.

By hell, so is WRITE ABOUT LOVE. The opening and closing tracks alone justify that album's existence. People trash WAL for some reason that I will never understand. NO, it's not ….SINISTER, but then none of their other albums ever quite reached that height. I mean, shit, if they're going to crap all over a B&S album,

Some enterprising young person could make a healthy living by weeding out the wheat from the chaff in Pollard's entire discography. Anyone overwhemingly smitten by something like "Goldheart Mountaintop Queen DIrectory" knows they want more, but by god getting through that catalogue is like the proverbial

Can we please just have the reporters start yelling "FAKE STATS!" when he pulls shit like "the biggest electoral win since Regan"-type lies? Would really speed things up and he might start to get the message.
Or not.