
Good list, good lessons. I think the crazy quick cutting was great when first introduced in the Borne Identity. It was so refreshing to see spy movies taking themselves seriously again, opposite to the ridiculous zany antics James Bond had become. Speaking of which, maybe a bunch of set pieces aren't that great

I don't know, the comments section suggests it's just the reviewer who doesn't like the show.

Exactly. It's nuts, but I also again think it's probably not too far form the truth. I mean, there was once a vice president who was able to convince several countries to go to war on the basis of aluminum tube photos. Then that same guy shot another guy in the face on a hunting trip. Or there are countless stories

Wow, this is like giving True Detective Season one a bad review because the crime story didn't pay off. In other words, I think you're missing the point of the show, and that's too bad because this show is downright fantastic on every level. Oh no, you're not getting enough political intrigue and insight into how