
Spoiler alert: People who read articles about finales they haven't seen make bad decisions.

The National Parks is my favorite. But I am an outdoorsy dude.

Check Orbitals Wonky, came out in 2012 and is their best work in years. They have a track beezledub that bridges the 90s electronica - dubstep gap

I disagree. I have laughed more in the past 4 days at the tonight show, than I ever laughed at Leno or Carson. I feel even Conan when taking over the Tonight show toned things down so much that he was a different host than his Late show persona. Fallon is giddy, sloppy, and generally enjoying himself. The Kristen

I think of it as golf on ice or billards on ice two other non-sports.

I feel like if you have missed some seasons, you aren't really a fan. This is one of the least controversial finales. One thing to remember when watching Top Chef is that you can't taste the food. So no matter who you think "is winning" there is always that intangible element. Nina performed well all season and