
"And I love you more than the moon and the stars and POETIC IMAGE NUMBER 67 NOT FOUND!"

Especially because the "technology" line came out of nowhere with no context. I assumed they were going somewhere beyond just a random reference to a 70s TV show.

(attractive geishas turn into huge sumo wrestlers)


So does that mean Leela was wrong, and Fry really did make out with a Radiator-woman from the Radiator-planet? My mind is blown.

The A.V. Club
Its butt waxed the bannister

Ironically it's the opposite in Wales, the most rugby-mad part of Britain. There Rugby is played by everyone and it's football that's more posh.

I'm partial to "Teach me to love, you squishy poet from beyond the stars"

It's a minor detail, but there's a part of "Xmas Story" where Robot Santa is chasing Fry and Leela, and the music is "Deck the Halls" in a brash, minor key. Just for about 5 seconds. I don't quite know why I like it so much, but that might be my favorite background music of all time.

I was excited about seeing the Farley-Hartman-Lovitz era, but it turns out in my area, VH1 Classic is only part of the super premium cable package. Oh well, guess I'll be satisfied with Simpsons mini-marathons 5 days a week on FXX.

There couldn't be a trap door because they didn't say "eeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Speaking of regenerations, does the Master/Mistress know about all of the Doctor's regenerations? Because I could see her being curious how the Doctor is on his 14th incarnation, especially since blackmailing a new regeneration cycle from the Time Lords was 1 of the Master's old plans.

Yeah, but with Homer desperately working 2 jobs and working himself into exhaustion, I'm sure they'll have enough money for Lisa's pony… oh wait.

But wasn't that the hospital that declared Mr. Burns dead when a better hospital upgraded him to alive? That hospital's no expert in knowing if someone is alive or not.

As a kid seeing this episode when it first aired, all those lines about Troy's love life went way over my head. There was a lot of great wordplay in this episode.

I love the reaction shot of Chief Wiggum in the courtroom when they mention his name.

I thought Bart's quote about Christmas was "Christmas is the time of year when people of all religions come together to worship Santa". Santa instead of Jesus is a nice dig at Christmas's commercialism.

I liked this episode the most this season. It felt very meta to me. Rudy Two's gang was sort of like the original Misfits, but if they were less moral and with more aggressive powers. Shy invisible girl and geeky Sam reminded me of Simon, at least in his early days. I really liked the wink to the audience with "You

So basically they replaced the Mafia boss's Italian stereotypes with stereotypes from other countries?

So they build up the tortoise for practically the whole season only to have him killed within a few minutes? I was hoping for a bit more.