
Maybe I shouldn't bring up a later episode, but when did Shelbyville go from being a town full of cousin-marrying hicks to being a town so full of culture they made a play depicting Springfield as the hicks.

I quite liked Dr. Hibbert's ultra-subtle joke at the concert when the Star Wars theme transitioned into Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

My grandmother is fairly infirm. She also doesn't drive (she relied on my grandfather when he was alive) and doesn't know where her birth certificate or marriage license are. She's reliant on my parents to drive her everywhere (lack of bus transportation in my town) and is very sensitive to hot and cold weather.

Just because people want to pay doesn't mean that should be allowed. College isn't supposed to be unfettered capitalism, it's about experts in their fields teaching students who want to learn. I'm sure colleges would make a lot more money if they were sponsored by advertisers ("Monsanto presents Biochemistry" or

I'm a college educator, and I find tbat I'm frequently being asked to make exceptions for the athletes. Give them a few extra days to take the exams, understand why they keep missing my class and can't make it to my office hours, consider how hard it is to balance sports and academics when I'm grading their papers.