Jason Smith

For real

He still appeared, as a ghost.

You HAVE to if you want your life to mean anything. Spoiler alert: Billy Blanks shoots a man while running for a touchdown in a prime time professional football game.

Is this where we come to dig up all our old 24 jokes?

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my love for The Last Boyscout.

Damnit! Spoilers! Han makes it out of the carbonite!?!

Actually Bernie Mac was not on the College Dropout. I think that was Really Doe or somebody else. It was a sound alike tho. I want my no prize! Wait- that's not this.

That's my problem. I feel like the backgrounds are painted on by a writing team that has no real understanding of who these people are so their portrayals ended up homogenous despite the back stories. I just find that too many times during the first season and in the couple of episodes I watched this season there's

Ok, call me crazy but I just don't get the response to this show. All the minorities are horribly and redundantly written (whats the dif between the chubby black girl in Chicago and tasty? or the short haired sprinter and the other short haired one- ok one sprints) and I literally recited the scene where Tasty goes

When I saw this headline the first thing that came to mind for me too was the hulk smacking that ship out of the air.