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    Good for him I guess?

    LOL besides the fact that you never called her a bitch until after Langdon whatever used the reference, but yep remember to her it's all your fault. Just stop talking to her, she has a track record of being overly sensitive, I made the mistake of feeding into it today, something that will not be repeated again anytime

    yup, about the same time I stopped watching FG is when he became the sanctimonious overtly political bore he is now. Sad because back when his character was fun he was the best on the show.

    Women and their babies, will never understand it. Babies are something you put up with long enough for them to grow up.

    I would agree, it was right about the time she became a vegetarian that she went from being a smart kid who would still have fun to just a general self centered buzz kill. Her sole purpose in the show now is to be a nag or try to prove to everyone how smart or progressive she is.

    No Lisa just believes that she is smarter than everyone else and they must all agree with her.

    She wasn't mocking. Besides, Lisa is the type that if she likes or dislikes something everyone else must agree with her or they are in the wrong. Personalities like that are annoying.

    That’s one thing I have always hated about the Lisa
    character. If she likes something everyone else should like it, if she is
    against or dislikes something, how dare anyone else not feel the same way. Yet
    she turns around and constantly tells other people what they enjoy is wrong for
    various reasons. A Lisa centered

    Is Louise not the best? She is what makes this show so fun,
    in fact all the characters have their quirks that make me laugh. I totally
    thought Kenny was scamming them when he left the bike running.


    Man reading these comments people really get their delicate panties in a twist about nothing. Either sit back and enjoy stupid humor which this show is or stop complaining about a show no one is forcing you to watch.

    Bob "I'll go get you a burger Ted".

    If leaving tea bags in a cup is repulsive the real world will horrify you. Feel sick? Please stop being so soft.

    Kind of funny comment since your avatar is from a show that is about 15 years past its prime and has regressed to new lows recently.

    Hemophilia is an X linked disease passed form mother to male offspring in about 99+% of incidences. So most likely referring to the murders, but then people will probably get worked up about the joke so the writers probably wont publicly acknowledge it.

    Or take advantage of the unsuspecting amish girls

    covered wagon next, or perhaps a trip to amish country?

    I love how he just stands up out of the wheel chair. "Might as well since we're hourly now".

    The voice mail gag got me thinking. When are they going to circle back to Nicholas Jakov when he was killed. On video he said there is "more to it than you think". A cliff hanger that either has a slow build up, or the writers simply forgot about it.

    So sensitive, perhaps your run of the mill sitcom where they all hug it out and resolve any slight difference within 30 minutes is more your speed.