
I'm laughing my ass off at the names of ALL the characters mentionned in the review. Vortigern? Uther Pendragon? Wet Stick? Chinese George? I just hear Jason Mantzoukas screaming in my ears "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?"

I have a friend in a similar position as yours, who's been on antidepressants for years and has a mild drinking problem (meaning he drinks a lot and should probably cut back, but it doesn't REALLY create problems for him in his everyday life). He would sometimes joke about being depressed and drinking to forget, and

I'm in a pretty similar position myself. Got dumped 3 months ago by my girlfriend, who cheated on me with a common acquaintaince and then promptly left me for him. We were looking for apartments to move in together, I spent a week out of town with her extended family for Christmas, everything was looking good, then…

I'm not going to make any friend by saying this, but I never got MST3K. Never. I'm French Canadian, so I didn't grow up with it and was made aware of its existence just a couple of years ago, so maybe that's the thing. Maybe I don't get the references for the same reason. I tried a couple of times and every time was

I'm in the exact same spot, man, I hear you. It's been a month since the official break-up and I still feel like utter shit. Actually, I kinda feel it getting worse and worse. It doesn't help that the break-up was caused by my now-ex-girlfriend sleeping with a guy we both know and then falling head-over-heels in love

I usually hate memes, but those were awesome. My favorite was the one where Biden takes all the ice cream cones.

Well, then again, it must be pretty hard to work that in a conversation. "This has been a lovely date, and it sure looks like we're gonna go home together. I just want to warn you that I have a very small penis." I don't think there can be any real way to be upfront about this kind of stuff.

I used to work with a guy whose two favorite bands were Goo Goo Dolls and Matchbox Twenty. I could never wrap my head around this. How could anyone feel passionate about such mediocre bands? And he would bug me to no end to listen to complete albums because "the singles were the worst songs", but I could never bring

That's pretty much what Miley Cyrus did, actually.

Yeah, it's not lost, I even watched it on YouTube a couple of months ago. It's pretty good, actually, but not as good as The Lodger, the greatest Hitchcock silent I saw.

But here's the weirdest part : this means that people were listening to Nickelback, Slipknot and Korn SO MUCH that someone had to write a memo preventing them to do so. In the goddamn command post. I just picture a bunch of 65 year old white dudes head banging to "People = Shit".

Well, he's an actor, "inserting himself into these various projects and profiting from them" is pretty much his job description. What do you want him to do, never act in his "gay projects"? I don't understand what's the problem here…

Meh, I don't know. The percentage system is not perfect but I think it's a good way to gauge if you are going to just hate someone on some basic life facts. It happened to me a couple of times to want to message a girl with whom I had something like 40% match. I then read her answers to those questions and wow, did I

Well, if every time you sense that a woman is hitting on you, you back away and do everything in your power to get her to stop…. I guess, yeah, 2015 will be sexless for you. And I say this as someone who's really not that good at flirting.

It's not really interfering as much as it's annoying. I can actually retract the foreskin easily when I'm limp, but when I have an erection, I have to ease into it and be more careful. The thing is, during penetration, the foreskin retracts, whether I want it or not, so it can make the beginning of intercourse a bit

Hello all. Long time reader, first time writer. I'm here for the embarassing question of the week. And before we start, I just want to add that English is my second language, so bear with me.