
Found "The Wheel Spins" by Ethel Lina White on Project Gutenberg Australia (woo hoo for different countries having different copyright laws) and it's getting me through a very, very slow work day. My copy of Stella Gibbons' "Westwood" just arrived but it seems like it might be somewhat melancholy so I might put off

It's also sometimes things with things removed. Like, hey, isn't this *music* video awkward without music?!?!

I think it's a rule that your last night in Minnesota needs to be spent getting drunk. It's the best way out.

Mr. Moneypenne for taking care of everything around the house and generally being a complete rock star while I'm pregnant and asleep most of the time.

I completely agree with that.

I think Dalton is wonderful in The Living Daylights. Very close to Bond in the novels, a serious spy yet capable of being very charming. I think people may have been put off since it was such a drastic change from the later Moore years.

We'll need a Charizard!

And I don't know how it can be a "sequel" since Mockingbird presents Scout as an adult reflecting back on her childhood. Unless it was "written" when Scout was 20 and then she went back home for a whole load of disillusionment four years later, but that seems awkward.

My favorites: Citadels, The Village, City of Horror, and (the classic) Settlers of Catan.

We have One Game Wednesday at my brother's house. It's definitely the best night of the work week.

Well, I won't disagree with that, but I don't get out much as far as the internet goes, so I'm glad this at least was brought to my attention, because otherwise I wouldn't have seen it.

As a huge fan of both The Onion and Jane Austen, I can finally say, without any sarcasm, Great Job, Internet!

Thoughts so far?

I used to re-read all the Harry Potters on a yearly basis, but last time I got partway through "The Chamber of Secrets" and it occurred to me that a whole lot of it didn't make much sense.

Finally got some maternity jeans. They look the same as my regular jeans and are also extremely comfy!

Office remodeling - it is loud. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

The lemon oreos are pretty tasty, so I imagine these won't be terrible.

I started reading Amy Poehler's "Yes Please," but I haven't really gotten into it, which I find surprising because I love Mindy Kaling's "Is Everyone Hanging out without Me?"

From my four year old nephew: What's louder than a cat stuck in a tree?

I actually think this is really neat! Wilkie Collins and Elizabeth Gaskell put out some really fantastic novels and this sounds like it will add to their respective canons. Woo!