
I want to see him in a good show, that will give him lots of awards. But I'll take a bad show too. I'm desperate.

I want a Damon and Mickey spin off, set in Mexico. God, it would be hilarious.

This was the best case scenario ending for a lot Mickey/Gallavich fans. So of course they didn't even attempt to go there. They just had to break Mickey's heart once again. Honestly this story line was just a ratings ploy and it worked. So I guess congratulations to them, even though Mickey escaping prison made no

First, who's in charge of the shameless social media accounts because they are cruel. They kept bating shippers with gallavich all the way until the end. I get that they have to get buzz for the show and gallavich shippers create the most buzz for them in sm circles but they just made that portion of their fanbase

He bought all the fucking B's.

How is Mickey "nuts" besides this lame escape from prison storyline. All I saw from Mickey was someone doing what they could to survive on the southside with no education and a horrible parent. Unlike JimmyJackSteve who chose that kind of life.

Sheila asked people on tw what mickey's middle name should be and they gave her that name. It wasn't meant to be his name, but it makes sense and i don't hate it.

Yeah, after this I expect that last bit of whatever remains of the shameless fandom to die. I'm preparing for the worst and my bags are packed.

Ian has gotten a new personality every season after Mickey left. But it seems he has moved on to a new personality every episode.

Can't they just write Ian out if they're going to continue to ruin his character? It's not like the writers actually care about him. At least with Fiona and Lip we actually get a decent amount of screen time devoted to them, but Ian just needs to go if the best they can do with him is have him learn "lessons" every

I don't think I've seen a show where they retcon everything about a previous *5 year relationship (who knows the timeline on this show, the writers don't) and as viciously as Shameless is doing. Which leads me to think that something shady went on behind the scenes.