Trevor Collins

"The mouth of a forgiving man blesses those around him,
and those who love will be blessed by forgiving all wrongs"

Don’t listen to someone and trust what they say if you know they are a liar
"Know someone lies = Don’t trust them"
(Know Liars = Don’t Trust)

If you are struggling in a certain area of your life ask for help.
Ask your teacher or find someone who has been through your situation that can give you information on the situation. Make sure it is someone's whose opinion you should follow. Seek someone who you feel is wise in the area that you need help.
What area

Learn to be fair to yourself first. Give yourself a chance. Study
for that test. Look as good as possible. Smile and laugh as much as you can. Be happy.
Then be fair to others. Compliment someone when they do good on a test. Compliment someone when they look good that day. When they have a good smile. When you enjoy