Todd Bollinger

Unless these 13 added minutes come in a re-edited package where the film plays out in chronological order (without the hackneyed "flashback" sequences within the dossier scene), I wonder if this extended edition will make much of a difference to the theatrical version. This minimal amount of added footage worries me,

I liked this article a lot, but First Class as No. 1? I dunno, man…

Fans have a right to be angry, because franchises are as precious to them as religion is to most non-nerds. I speak for myself as a die-hard Aliens and Star Wars fan.

The guy has a point: Any idea can be interesting. It just depends on how it's done.

What a beautiful comment-section.

Wow, this is one of the best retrospectives I've ever read. Great article.

How are Cartman's racist insults in this episode "awful by his standards" when his standards include murdering a kid's parents, chopping them up into chili, and then feeding them to said kid?
He's also tried to resurrect Nazi Germany on multiple occasions, as well as form a Ginger death cult.

I thought part of Roth's "commentary" was that we should stay out of other countrys' affairs, even if we disagree with their anti-environmentalist or humanitarian stances. I'm not sure whether that's leftwing or rightwing, but if you insert the Middle East here in place of South America, I'm pretty sure most

How are Pan's Labyrinthe and Mullholland Drive considered horror films? Sometimes with these end-all, be-all lists I'm left struggling to get genre-definitions right in my head. PL seems more of a fantasy or war film way before horror, and Mullholland Drive isn't even scary at all —- it's weird and creepy and great,

I actually think this guy has a point: The Alien franchise was on a downhill slide long before AvP 2004 came about, and moreover I consider that film far more watchable than Alien Resurrection. To that end, this guy's script didn't end up being the one that was filmed, so we shouldn't judge him like he turned out a

Sure it was a little tacked on, more of an epilogue than a definitive conclusion, but Bob clearly separates himself from Eric Deeds in numerous ways besides having actually been the one to kill Richie:
1.) He doesn't talk the talk but walks the walk —- he doesn't walk around boasting and chest-beating about alpha male

The enemy cannot push a button IF you disable his hand!

GL neither directed nor wrote The Empire Strikes Back nor did he direct or principally write Return of the Jedi.

The original Star Wars (1977) is in the National Film Registry. To me, that suggests that the film has reached such an important, iconic status in American culture that its preservation and public access trump individual artistic "ownership."

No one is denying that he have access to his original work (which he "created" with teams of other collaborators…). The problem is that he refuses to release the original versions. He refuses to let anyone have access to them.

I could not disagree more with the Aliens (1986) verdict. The Special Edition adds much more (necessary) character development to both Ripley and the marines, particularly with Hudson's added banter and Ripley's backstory with her daughter, which gives much, much, MUCH more weight to her arc and relationship with

I could not disagree more with the Aliens (1986) verdict. The Special Edition adds much more (necessary) character development to both Ripley and the marines, particularly with Hudson's added banter and Ripley's backstory with her daughter, which gives much, much, MUCH more weight to her arc and relationship with

Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Aliens, Predator, Paul Thomas Anderson, The Wire

The Raid movies.