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    Then you ban our PM, for 12years!

    Still 80 million miles away!
    The probe needs to be decelerated so as to avoid falling on th mars!

    2 million Iraqi and 500000 afghani killed by nazi american Crusader army!

    According to Indian law, a consular can hire an Indian worker at Indian wage as long as the Nanny dont work in open market!

    OO yest. American cops are allowed to travel abroad with bullet in their bag.

    The diplomats are allowed to hire people at their national wages.

    These present and retired officials claimed that "during the tenure in office of Secretary Clinton, several expert teams in the guise of NGOs were sent to Gujarat to try and find mass graves". The purpose was to then take the matter to the Office of the UN Commissioner of Human Rights in Geneva as an example of

    "Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than

    1. India couldn't buy a cheap supercomputer & some crappy old micro-controllers from US due to hitech santions. from 1980-2008!
    Later India built them indiegenously.

    India is more secular country.

    1000 Meters.


    Outsource it! We will give you 0.5 discount if you order 1000 pieces

    The Indian Mars orbitat mission is still 200 million Km far from Mars!

    After Hillary clinton debacle with Indian PM Modi, India is going to demand USA to outsource some of the NASA jobs to India

    Only few countries have credible space mission.

    You are a Nazi

    India rocket is already 500 milion Miles away from earth, 7 days behind MAVEN mission

    USA had always sanctioned Indian space programs.

    US have killed millions of people in war