
We already have a plethora of words at our disposal. This "unpack" nonsense, just like the careless, lazy style of writing as if one were on Tw*tter instead of on a forum, is not an improvement.

Oh thanks. In addition to "unpack", can we stop misusing "explore"?

OMG, she "unpacks" something that isn't a suitcase or a moving box? Please, for the love of language, stop making up words and expressions. Just because of that, I skipped the story.

Except she thinks orgasm is a verb, or she's too hip n trendy to say "have an orgasm".

Perhaps, as you're approaching middle age, you should try dating women, not girls.

I thought #4 was sarcasm. Little Miss 23-years-YOUNG (wtf?) is not owed anything due to having heaved a kid out her hind end. Lots of women do that to keep a man on the hook, financially if not emotionally, not because they love him and wanted to have a child with him or even because they just want a child, any

I'm not attacking you or your point. There is, however, a legal term for this: "lie by omission". It means withholding the truth ("I wasn't born male") when the truth is hidden ("I present myself as one").

Maybe you should define "dating". And "in a relationship." Never felt sure what that last vague expression meant because I'm "in a relationship" to everyone and everything in the universe because we all occupy it.

"Mom" is still continuing the her nasty ways - LW isn't going to open anything because "mom" sent the nasty prissy email! I'd let her have it hard, with both barrels, and with any luck never hear from her again. Dan was way too nice. Hope "mom" dies alone and despised.

I know the worst thing for me is when smug coupled friends say, "There are lots of nice guys out there!" There's a part of me that wants to ask them the names of six. No? How about two? No? Not even one? Then don't patronize me.

If I see worms on a sidewalk the day after a rain, I pick them up and move them into the grass.

May I say that your remark about the snail melted me completely. Yet I know that's not why you said it. I would bet you don't give yourself enough credit for being a guy that a decent girl/woman would want, but pick out each and every imperfection you perceive in yourself in an effort to be more worthy.

You are a person of rare wisdom and compassion.

It means FAT FAT FAT.