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    The Man from UNCLE was good and there should be a sequel.

    These violent delights have violent ends.

    Liked the twist. They should add a caveat that you can only leave your seat to vote.

    The daddy issues line was one of the clunkiest of the entire television season. It does not dethrone Quantico though. I'll set the scene…

    Andy Dick is the worst, BUT I will never not laugh at him doing the opening spiel for medieval times.

    ass burgers

    Yara and Theon don't have enough ships for Dany's needs. The masters conveniently showed up with their entire fleet, which will be no match for unsullied+dothraki+Iron fleet+dragons. They will put down the masters and head to Westeros to F shit up.

    She was wearing level 12 plot armor

    Infinity negative?

    Wasn't the throne room burned in Dany's vision quest back in season two-ish? We all assumed dragons, but…

    Note: Caleb died on the way back to his home planet.

    "Tactically speaking, these aren’t great plans."
    Could be in every Walking Dead episode review.

    He married Olivia Wilde

    You have to download the messenger app? OUT

    The wrong kid died.

    I enjoy Batman Forever. The Burton films are definitely classics that must be seen though.

    This is one of those AVClub articles that you just know will be great when you click on it. That was fun.

    It's a Clueless parody.

    Haha! "Slater or GTFO"

    They call the challenge crew the Dream Team, i believe.